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作者:白伟伟 点击数: 时间:2024-07-03


报告主题time-synchronized control

报告时间202479 10:00-12:00


报告摘要in the literature of control science and engineering, we are more concerned with convergence of the states of any dynamic systems, and gradually pay attention to academically challenging and practically relevant finite time convergence where finite-time control drives the states converge within a certain time moment, regardless of how each state element converges even though it is a very important and critical issue in many accurate, precise and delicated operations. in this report, we first introduce various fundamental and basic ideas of time-synchronized control, moving the boundary well beyond the well-established notions and outcomes of standard “finite-time stability”. then, we introduce a control problem with unique finite/fixed-time stability considerations, namely time-synchronized control, where all the system state elements converge to the origin at the same time. finally, we share with you more nice properties for this interesting time-synchronized property attained, e.g., shortening the travel length and reducing the energy consumption. we welcome interest excellent individuals further push the boundary further beyond!

shuzhi sam ge fsaeng, fieee, fifac, fiet, phd, dic, bsc, peng

professor, department of electrical and computer engineering

the national university of singapore

4 engineering drive 3

singapore 117583

报告人简介shuzhi sam ge, ieee fellow (s’90-m’92-sm’99-f’06), phd, dic, bsc, peng, is a professor with the department of electrical and computer engineering, the national university of singapore, singapore. he received the ph.d. degree from the imperial college london, london, u.k., in 1993, and the b.sc. degree from the beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics, china, in 1986. he serves as the founding editor-in-chief, , springer nature, 2008-present, a member of the standing committee of international conference on social robotics, 2009-present, president elect, asian control association, 2022-2024, and ifac council member, 2023-2026, vice-chair, ifac technical committee on computational intelligence in control, 2014-present, and book editor for automation and control engineering of taylor & francis/crc press. he has served/been serving as a senior editor /an associate editor for a number of flagship journals including ieee transaction on smc-systems, ieee tac, ieee tcst, ieee tnn, and automatica, caai transactions on intelligence technology. at ieee control systems society, he served as vice president for technical activities, 2009-2010, vice president of membership activities, 2011-2012, member of board of governors of ieee control systems society, 2007-2009. he is clarivate analytics (former thomson reuters) high-cited scientist in 2016-2022, elsevier high-cited scientist in 2014-2023. he is also a fellow of ifac, iet, and saeng. his current research interests include robotics, intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, and smart materials.


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