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作者:白伟伟 点击数: 时间:2024-05-02

报告主题deep transfer learning and information fusion for mechanical fault diagnosis

报告时间202454 1400-1800


报告摘要deep transfer learning methods for fault diagnosis play a critical role in the monitoring and detecting operating conditions of the mechanical equipment. however, the developed algorithms based on single-source sensor and data features exhibit some deficiencies for the complex and harsh realworld factory environments. therefore, this talk addresses some high accuracy and reliable deep learning-based algorithms to identify the fault state of the rotating machinery, considering some issues of the deep learning algorithms, such as the limited training samples, feature extraction capability, interpretability as well as multi-source information fusion for mechanical fault diagnosis.

报告人简介hamid reza karimi is professor of applied mechanics with the department of mechanical engineering, politecnico di milano, milan, italy. karimi’s original research and development achievements span a broad spectrum within the topic of automation/control systems, and intelligence systems with applications to complex systems such as wind turbines, vehicles, robotics and mechatronics. prof. karimi is an ordinary member of academia europa (mae), honorary academic member of national academy of sciences of bolivia, distinguished fellow of the international institute of acoustics and vibration (iiav), fellow of the international society for condition monitoring (iscm), fellow of the asia-pacific artificial intelligence association (aaia), member of agder academy of science and letters and also a member of the ifac technical committee on mechatronic systems, the ifac technical committee on robust control, the ifac technical committee on automotive control as well as member of the board of directors of the international institute of acoustics and vibration (iiav). prof. karimi is the recipient of the 2021 bindt cm innovation award, the web of science highly cited researcher in engineering, the 2020 ieee transactions on circuits and systems guillemin-cauer best paper award, august-wilhelm-scheer visiting professorship award, jsps (japan society for the promotion of science) research award, and alexander-von-humboldt-stiftung research award, for instance. prof. karimi is currently the editor-in-chief of the journal of cyber-physical systems, subject editor, technical editor or associate editor for some international journals and book series editor for springer, crc press and elsevier. he has also participated as general chair, keynote/plenary speaker, distinguished speaker or program chair for several international conferences in the areas of control systems, robotics and mechatronics.


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