姓 名:刘宗鹰
职 称:讲师
性 别:男
2015-2019,university of malaya, 人工智能专业,工学博士
2012-2015,university of malaya,应用统计专业,工学硕士
2015-2020,university of malaya,计算机科学信息学院,研究助理
1.liu, zongying, chu kiong loo, naoki masuyama, and kitsuchart pasupa*. "recurrent kernel extreme reservoir machine for time series prediction." ieee access, 2018, 6:19583-19596.
2.liu, zongying, chu kiong loo*, and manjeevan seera. "meta-cognitive recurrent recursive kernel os-elm for concept drift handling." applied soft computing, 2019, 75: 494-507.
3.liu, zongying, chu kiong loo*, and min jiang. "grammatical structure detection with intrinsic plasticity based echo state networks for cognitive robot." in 2019 ieee symposium series on computational intelligence (ssci), 2019, ieee, 2207-2214.
4.liu, zongying, chu kiong loo*, kitsuchart pasupa, and manjeevan seera. "meta-cognitive recurrent kernel online sequential extreme learning machine with kernel adaptive filter for concept drift handling." engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 2020, 88: 103327.
5.liu, zongying, chu kiong loo, and kitsuchart pasupa*. "a novel error-output recurrent two-layer extreme learning machine for multi-step time series prediction." sustainable cities and society, 2020, 102613.
6.liu, zongying, loo, c. k., masuyama, n., & pasupa, k. (2017). multiple steps time series prediction by a novel recurrent kernel extreme learning machine approach. in 2017 9th international conference on information technology and electrical engineering (icitee) (pp. 1-4).
7. liu, zongying., loo, c. k., & pasupa, k. (2017). recurrent kernel online sequential extreme learning machine with kernel adaptive filter for time series prediction. in 2017 ieee symposium series on computational intelligence (ssci) (pp. 1-7).
8. liu, zongying., loo, c. k., & pasupa, k. (2019). real-time financial data prediction using meta-cognitive recurrent kernel online sequential extreme learning machine. in the 26th international conference on neural information processing (iconip) of the asia-pacific neural network society in sydney australia.
9. liu, zongying., loo, c. k., & pasupa, k. (2018, december). handling concept drift in time-series data: meta-cognitive recurrent recursive-kernel os-elm. in international conference on neural information processing (pp. 3-13).
10. liu, zongying, and kitsuchart pasupa. "online sequential extreme learning machine based instinct plasticity for classification." 2020 12th international conference on information technology and electrical engineering (icitee).
1. 中马合作项目, the twin industrial park (project rp025b-15hne), 2015-10至2018-10,参加;
2. 马来亚大学前沿研究基金,frontier research grant from the university of malaya (project no. fg003-17afr), 2016-05至2018-05, 参加;