姓 名:王新建
职 称:副教授
性 别:男
2023/07-至今, 大连海事大学,航海学院,副教授
国际期刊《journal of marine engineering and technology》(sci一区)编委
safety science, transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, ocean engineering, reliability engineering & system safety, applied ocean research, ocean & coastal management, marine policy, risk analysis, journal of marine engineering and technology, regional studies in marine science, journal of transportation safety & security, physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part m: journal of engineering for the maritime environment, asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering, 交通运输工程学报,哈尔滨工程大学学报,大连海事大学学报等30余个国内外学术期刊审稿人。
[1] wang, x., xia, g., zhao, j., wang, j., yang, z.*, loughney, s., fang, s., zhang, s., xing, y., liu, z., 2023. a novel method for the risk assessment of human evacuation from cruise ships in maritime transportation. reliability engineering & system safety 230, 108887. (sci一区,esi高被引论文)
[2] cao, y., wang, x. *, yang, z. *, wang, j., wang, h., liu, z., 2023. research in marine accidents: a bibliometric analysis, systematic review and future directions. ocean engineering 284, 115048. (sci一区,esi高被引论文&热点文章)
[3] fang, s., liu, z., wang, x. *, cao, y., yang, z. *, 2024. dynamic analysis of emergency evacuation in a rolling passenger ship using a two-layer social force model. expert systems with applications 247, 123310. (sci一区,esi高被引论文&热点文章)
[4] cao, y., wang, x. *, wang, y., fan, s., wang, h. *, yang, z., liu, z., wang, j., shi, r., 2023. analysis of factors affecting the severity of marine accidents using a data-driven bayesian network. ocean engineering 269, 113563. (sci一区,esi高被引论文)
[5] wang, x., liu, z., loughney, s., yang, z., wang, y., wang, j. *, 2021. an experimental analysis of evacuees’ walking speeds under different rolling conditions of a ship. ocean engineering 233, 108997. (sci一区)
[6] wang, x., liu, z., loughney, s., yang, z., wang, y., wang, j. *, 2022. numerical analysis and staircase layout optimisation for a ro-ro passenger ship during emergency evacuation. reliability engineering & system safety 217, 108056. (sci一区)
[7] wang, x., liu, z. *, wang, j., loughney, s., yang, z., gao, x., 2021. experimental study on individual walking speed during emergency evacuation with the influence of ship motion. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications 562, 125369. (sci二区)
[8] wang, x., liu, z., wang, j. *, loughney, s., zhao, z., cao, l., 2021. passengers’ safety awareness and perception of wayfinding tools in a ro-ro passenger ship during an emergency evacuation. safety science 137, 105189. (sci一区)
[9] wang, x., liu, z., zhao, z. *, wang, j., loughney, s., wang, h., 2020. passengers' likely behaviour based on demographic difference during an emergency evacuation in a ro-ro passenger ship. safety science 129, 104803. (sci一区)
[10] feng, y., wang, x. *, chen, q., yang, z. *, wang, j., li, h., xia, g., liu, z., 2024. prediction of the severity of marine accidents using improved machine learning. transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review 188, 103647. (sci一区)
[11] feng, y., wang, x. *, luan, j., wang, h., li, h. *, li, h., liu, z., yang, z., 2024. a novel method for ship carbon emissions prediction under the influence of emergency events. transportation research part c: emerging technologies 165, 104749. (sci一区)
[12] cao, w., wang, x.*, li, j., zhang, z., cao, y., feng, y.*, 2024. a novel integrated method for heterogeneity analysis of marine accidents involving different ship types. ocean engineering 312, 119295. (sci一区)
[13] xia, g., wang, x. *, feng, y., cao, y., dai, z., wang, h., liu, z., 2023. navigational risk of inland water transportation: a case study in the songhua river, china. asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering 9(4), 04023042. (sci二区)
[14] cui, r., liu, z., wang, x. *, fuchi, m., konishi, t., zhou, y., tao, j., yang, z., fan, s., zhao, z., 2023. the evaluation of seafarer fatigue as a performance-shaping factor in the maritime hra method. asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering 9(4), 04023034. (sci二区)
[15] cui, r., liu, z., wang, x. *, yang, z., fan, s., shu, y., 2022. the impact of marine engine noise exposure on seafarer fatigue: a china case. ocean engineering 266, 112943. (sci一区)
[16] fang, s., liu, z., wang, x.*, matellini, b., wang, j., yang, z., zhang, x., wan, b., ni, s., 2024. experimental study on human evacuation onboard passenger ships considering heeling angle and opposite directions. ocean engineering 308, 118256. (sci一区)
[17] fang, s., liu, z., jiang, y., cao, y., wang, x. *, wang, h., 2024. analysis of human competitive behavior on an inclined ship. asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering 10(1), 04023058. (sci二区)
[18] fang, s., liu, z., yang, x., wang, x. *, wang, j., yang, z., 2023. a quantitative study of the factors influencing human evacuation from ships. ocean engineering 285, 115156. (sci一区)
[19] liu, j., achurra, a., zhang, c., bury, a., wang, x. *, 2024. a long short term memory network-based, global navigation satellite system/inertial navigation system for unmanned surface vessels. journal of marine engineering & technology, 1-13. (sci一区)
[20] shi, j., liu, z., feng, y., wang, x. *, zhu, h., yang, z., wang, j., wang, h., 2024. evolutionary model and risk analysis of ship collision accidents based on complex networks and dematel. ocean engineering 305, 117965. (sci一区)
[21] tao, j., liu, z., wang, x. *, cao, y., zhang, m., loughney, s., wang, j., yang, z. *, 2024. hazard identification and risk analysis of maritime autonomous surface ships: a systematic review and future directions. ocean engineering 307, 118174. (sci一区)
[22] wang, j., wang, x. *, feng, y., cao, y., guo, z., liu, z. *, 2023. assessing the connectivity reliability of a maritime transport network: a case of imported crude oil in china. journal of marine science and engineering 11(8), 1597. (sci一区)
[23] cao, l., wang, x. *, zhang, w. *, gao, l., xie, s., liu, z., 2022. research on intelligent detection algorithm of the single anchored mooring area for maritime autonomous surface ships. applied sciences 12(12), 6009. (sci二区)
[24] wang, h., wu, z., bury, a., wang, x. *, 2024. analysis of firewater accumulation and the securing of vehicles on ropax vessels. asce-asme journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems, part a: civil engineering 10(2), 04024013. (sci二区)
[25] cao, w., wang, x.*, feng, y., wang, h., liu, z., yu, q., 2024. heterogeneity analysis of risk factors of marine accidents in different ship types, 7th international conference on maritime technology and engineering, 14 - 16 may 2024, lisbon, portugal, pp. 239-245. (ei会议)
[26] li t., wang x.*, feng y., wang h., cao y., liu z., 2024. severity prediction of maritime accidents based on feature selection and data balance method, 34th european safety and reliability conference, 23-27 june 2024, cracow poland, pp. 153-162. (ei会议)
[27] 王新建, 刘正江*, 韩何彩, 房斯明. 楼梯布局对客船人员疏散效率影响的数值分析[j]. 大连海事大学学报, 2020, 46(4): 1-7. (中文核心)
[28] 王艺航, 刘正江, 房斯明, 王新建*, 张新宇.船舶横摇状态下的行人疏散速度数值分析[j]. 大连海事大学学报, 2023, 49(4): 45-50. (中文核心)
[29] 高飞德, 曹宇皓, 张鹏, 王新建*. 基于扇形网格叠加计算的通航分道水域船舶领域研究[j]. 大连海事大学学报, 2023, 49(4): 88-94. (中文核心)
[30] 冯胤伟, 刘正江, 蒋子怡, 夏国庆, 曹宇皓, 王新建*, 王焕新. 基于关联规则挖掘和复杂网络理论的船舶碰撞事故分析[j]. 大连海事大学学报, 2023, 49(3): 31-44. (中文核心)
[31] 周颖, 刘正江, 王新建*, 谢辉.自主船舶避碰过程中人为失误的分析与评估[j].大连海事大学学报, 2022, 48(03): 12-19. (中文核心)
[32] 王新建, 刘正江, 房斯明, 等. 人员参数对客船安全疏散效率影响的仿真研究. 第二届全国热安全科学与技术研讨会, 48-53页, 合肥, 中国, 2021年1月9-10日.
吴兆麟, 王新建.美国高等海运院校现状[m]. 大连: 大连海事大学出版社, 2017.
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(52101399):基于差异化个体特征的滚装客船人员疏散建模研究,2022.01 -2024.12,主持。
[2] 英国皇家学会国际合作交流项目(iec\nsfc\233298):北极环境下客船疏散策略的风险与可靠性评估,2024.03 -2026.02,主持。
[3] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(3132022129):客船人员疏散决策支持系统研究,2022.01 -2022.12,主持。
[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(3132023138):船员疲劳机理与风险建模研究,2023.01 -2023.12,主持。
[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(3132024139):基于改进深度学习方法的海上交通数据概念漂移研究,2024.01 -2024.12,主持。
[6] 大连海事大学人才科研启动经费项目(02500129),2021.11-2024.11,主持。
[7] 国家留学基金委创新型人才国际合作培养项目(留金美〔2022〕2260号)面向自主船舶的交通运输工程高层次创新人才国际联合培养项目,2023.01-2025.12,主要参与。
[8] 国家重点科技研发项目(2018yfc0810400):水上大规模遇险人员快速撤离与船载液态危化品快速应急输转技术研究,2018.07-2021.12,参与。
[9] 交通运输部海事局科技项目:船舶自主航行安全风险分析与评估研究,2020.09-2022.12,参与。
[10] 交通运输部海事局科技项目:关于开展stcw公约全面修订的研究,2019.01-2020.11,参与。
[11] 财政部中国亚太经合组织合作基金:apec区域海员教育培训与就业一体化研究,2019.01-2019.12,参与。