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作者: 点击数: 时间:2022-04-13


姓 名段广东guangdong duan

职 称:副教授associate professor

性 别




个人简介 education and professional appointment


2014-2018city university of hong kong能源及环境科学博士(ph.d.




2021/10-presentdalian maritime university教授associate professor

2019/06-2021/10kyoto university研究助理教授(research assistant professor

2018/03-2019/05city university of hong kong博士后研究员postdoctoral fellow

2017/09-2018/02city university of hong kong研究助理



building and environment (1top), physics of fluids流体物理1journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics (力学1top), scientific reports (jcr q1), applied sciences, aeolian research (jcr q1), energiesjournal of marine science and engineering, mathematics (jcr q1),《journal of cleaner production(1top),《journal of applied fluid mechanics


asia oceania geosciences society (aogs) 2021、2022

japan geoscience union (jpgu) 2020、2024

american geophysical union (agu) 2019

american meteorological society (ams) 2016

研究方向 research interests

环境污染及通风流体物理边界层湍流热能工程及工程热物理环境流体力学大涡模拟(lesurban cfd


selected peer-reviewed articles:

1. l. zhao; x. ming; g. duan* (2024): microwave heating of oil shale based on multiphysics field coupling: positioning of the waveguide. international journal of heat and mass transfer https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2024.125470 (if 5.2; 中科院热力1top)

2. l. zhao; x. feng; j. chen; z. shui; t. yang; g. duan* (2024): gas purification in a scrubber tower: effects of multi-layer tray misalignments on the multiphase flow. case studies in thermal engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2024.104130 (if 6.8; 中科院2区top)

3. l. zhao; j. chen; g. duan* (2024): turbulent flow in an i-l junction: impacts of the pipe diameter ratio. physics of fluids. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0189282 (if 4.6; 中科院流体物理1区)

4. g. duan*; t. takemi; k. ngan (2023): evaluation of pollutant exposure using virtual walkers and large-eddy simulation: application to an idealised urban neighbourhood. science of the total environment. doi: (if 9.8; 中科院1区top)

5. g. duan*; t. takemi; k. ngan (2023): measuring pollutant exposure using large-eddy simulation and virtual walkers: analysis of tracer age statistics of idealised urban boundary-layer flows. sustainable cities and society. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.104501 (if 11.7; 中科院1区top)

6. g. duan*; k. nakamae; t. takemi (2022): impact of urban morphometric indices on ventilation. building and environment. doi:   (if 7.4; 中科院1区top)

7. g. duan*, t. takemi (2021): predicting urban surface roughness aerodynamic parameters using random forest. journal of applied meteorology and climatology. doi: (美国气象学会amsjcr q2; if 3.0)

8. g. duan*; t. takemi (2021): gustiness in thermally-stratified urban turbulent boundary-layer flows and the influence of surface roughness. journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. doi: (if 4.8; 力学1区top)

9. g. duan*; k. ngan (2020): influence of thermal stability on the ventilation of a 3-d building array. building and environment. doi: (if 7.4; 中科院1区top)

10. g. duan*; p. brimblecombe; y.l. liu; k. ngan (2020): turbulent flow and dispersion inside and around elevated walkways. building and environment. doi: (if 7.4; 中科院1区top)

11. g. duan; k. ngan (2019): sensitivity of turbulent flow around a 3-d building array to urban boundary-layer stability. journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. doi: (if 4.8; 力学1区top)

12. g. duan; j.g. jackson; k. ngan (2019): scalar mixing in an urban canyon. environmental fluid mechanics. doi: (jcr q2; if 2.577)

13. g. duan, k. ngan (2018): effects of time-dependent inflow perturbations on turbulent flow in a street canyon. boundary-layer meteorology. doi: (jcr q2; if 3.563)

selected talks:

1. g. duan, t. takemi & k. ngan.  measuring pollutant exposure of virtual walkers in an idealised urban boundary-layer flow using large-eddy simulation. asia oceania geosciences society (aogs) 21st annual meeting (aogs2024), pyeongchange, korea. 23-28 june 2024 (oral)

2. g. duan & t. takemi. evaluation of urban wind gusts for thermally-stratified turbulent boundary-layer flows using large-eddy simulationjpgu-agu joint meeting 2024, chiba, japan. 26-31 may 2024

3. g. duan. international conference on applied chemistry and food engineering, icacfe2023. (特邀报告) 武汉轻工大学, 湖北·武汉. 13-15 oct 2023

4. g. duan. 中国气象局上海台风研究所国家自然科学基金联合基金项目“华东台风风场精细结构演变和预报-复杂下垫面影响研究城市化效应影响专题交流会 (特邀报告)亚太台风研究中心, 上海. 14 jun 2023

5. g. duan, t. takemi & k. ngan. 理想化城市街区大气污染中行人暴露时间的参数化研究 paramterisation of exposure timescale to air pollution in an idealised urban district第九届全国城市气象学术论坛, 河北·雄安. 11-13 may 2023

6. t. takemi. g. duan & k. nakamae. combining mesoscale meteorological simulation and building-resolving large-eddy simulation to assess the impacts of global warming on wind hazard in urban districts. american geophysical union (agu) fall meeting (agu2022), chicago, usa. 12-16 december 2022 (online)

7.竹見 哲也, g. duan, 中前 久美. 地球温暖化時の市街地における風災害リスクの評価 risk assessment of wind disasters in urban districts under global warming. 風工学シンホシウム講演梗概集

8. g. duan, k. nakamae, t. takemi.  influence of urban topographical indices on ventilation timescales. asia oceania geosciences society (aogs) 19th annual meeting (aogs2022), singapore. 01-06 august 2022 (oral online)

9. g. duan, t. takemi.  estimating urban surface roughness aerodynamic parameters using random forest. asia oceania geosciences society (aogs) annual meeting (aogs2021), singapore. 01-06 august 2021 (online)

10. g. duan, t. takemi. wind gusts in thermally-stratified urban turbulent boundary-layer flows and the influence of surface roughness. american geophysical union (agu) fall meeting (agu2020), usa. 01-17 december 2020 (online)

11. g. duan, t. takemi. large-eddy simulations of turbulent flow over urban areas of osaka, japan. jpgu-agu joint meeting 2020, japan. 12-16 july 2020 (online)

12. g. duan, t. takemi. turbulent flow over urban areas of osaka, japan–from building-resolving large-eddy simulation towards the downscaling of mesoscale perturbations. dpri annual meeting 2020, kyoto university, japan. 20-21 february 2020

13. g. duan, t. takemi, k. ngan. sensitivity of turbulent flow and dispersion around a 3-d regular building array to urban boundary-layer stability. boundary layer processes and turbulence - american geophysical union (agu) fall meeting (agu2019), san francisco, ca, usa. 09-13 december 2019

14. g. duan, k. ngan. turbulent flow and ventilation around a 3d regular building array for different surface boundary-layer stability. jfm symposia: from fundamentals to applied fluid mechanics, 5-6 november 2018, southern university of science and technology, shenzhen, china

15. g. duan, k. ngan. sensitivity of turbulent flow around a 3-d regular building array to boundary-layer stability. mini-workshop on urban flow, dispersion and ventilation ii, 05 october 2018, the university of hong kong, hong kong sar

16. k. ngan, g. duan. effects of time dependent inflow perturbations on urban flow. ems annual meeting: european conference for applied meteorology and climatology, 4-8 september 2017, dublin, ireland

17. g. duan, k. ngan, j. g. jackson. mixing of a passive scalar in an urban street canyon. 13th symposium on the urban environment, the american meteorological society’s 97th annual meeting, 22-26 january 2017, seattle, washington, usa

18. g. duan, k. ngan, k. w. lo. on the sensitivity of urban flow and pollutant dispersion to time-dependent inflow perturbations. 8th european postgraduate fluid dynamics conference, 06-09 july 2016, warsaw, poland

19. g. duan, k. w. lo, k. ngan, w.-k. chiu. towards exposure-based health impact indicators: application to hong kong. cpce health conference, 11 january 2016, the hong kong polytechnic university, hong kong sar


1. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师科技创新项目,2023年1月-2023年12月,主持

2. 辽宁省自然科学基金计划重点项目重点科技创新基地联合开放基金 中尺度强扰动风力驱动的城市港口区域湍流边界层微尺度系统及风灾害研究2022-202410万元,主持

3. 大连海事大学科研启动费, 50万元, 2021-2024, 主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师科技创新项目,2022年1月-2022年12月,主

5. 日本学术振兴会项目 "risk assessment of severe wind disasters in urban districts under climate change", japan society for the promotion of science (jsps, 日本学術振興会) of japan, grants-in-aid for scientific research, 2018–2021, jp¥ 17,290,000 (pi: prof. , kyoto university) 已结题

6. 日本政府项目 "climate change adaptation to disasters in urban environments", environmental restoration and conservation agency (erca) of japan, environment research and technology development fund, 2019–2021, jp¥ 39,000,000 (pi: prof. masaru inatsu, hokkaido university; co-i: hiroyuki kusak, university of tsukuba; co-i: tetsuya takemi, kyoto university)

7. 香港研究資助局grf项目research grants council of hong kong (rgc), general research fundgrf: "air pollution in elevated walkway microenvironments in urban street canyons", 2016–2018, hk$540,052 (pi: prof. , now at national sun yat-sen university) 已结题

8. 香港研究資助局ecs项目research grants council of hong kong (rgc): "ventilation and mixing timescales for urban air quality", 2015–2018, hk$ 591,200 (pi: dr. , city university of hong kong) 已结题





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