陈 俊龙-ag真人平台

 陈 俊龙-ag真人平台
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陈 俊龙
作者: 点击数: 时间:2021-09-15


名:陈俊龙(c. l. philip chen

















2005-2009 副院长,德州大学圣安东尼分校电机及计算工程系(美国,德州)

2002-2010 教授, 德州大学圣安东尼分校电机及计算工程系(美国,德州)

1989-2002 教授 (1999), 副教授 (1995), 助理教授, 莱特州立大学计算机科学及工程系(美国,俄亥俄州)

1988-1989 访问助理教授, 普渡大学(美国,印第安纳州)


2020 -至今,担任 ieee transactions on cybernetics if: 10.387)期刊主编

2014-2019年,担任ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems (if: 7.351)期刊主编。

2012-2013年,担任ieee systems, man, and cybernetics society学会主席 (president),并于2014-2017年担任该学会的senior/junior past president


2009年,ieee int'l conference on systems, man, and cybernetics,大会主席(general chair),同时2016年和2017年担任大会联合主席(general co-chairs)

担任ieee transactions on fuzzy systems (if:7.671)期刊的副主编 (associate editor)

担任ieee transactions on cybernetics (if:8.803)期刊的副主编 (associate editor)




20167  澳门自然科学奖(用于建模的计算智能系统、跟踪控制中的决策支持和城市交通援助)  自然科学。

20147  澳门自然科学奖(特征分析与多媒体安全技术)  澳门自然科学。


计算智能系统(computational intelligent systems)

计算机网络、位置和信息安全(computer networking, location and information security)

数据挖掘和知识发现(data mining and knowledge discovery)

信息和视频索引、检索、安全和通信(information and video indexing, retrieval, security, and communications)

系统、控制论和机器人(systems, cybernetics, and robotics)



1yan-jun liu, shaocheng tong, c. l. philip chen and dong-juan li, adaptive nn control using integral barrier lyapunov functionals for uncertain nonlinear block-triangular constraint systems, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 47, issue: 11, pages: 3747-3757, published: nov 2017.

2ci chen, zhi liu , kan xie, yanjun liu, yun zhang, and c. l. philip chen, adaptive fuzzy asymptotic control of mimo systems with unknown input coefficients via a robust nussbaum gain-basedapproach, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 25, issue: 5, pages: 1252-1263, published: oct 2017.

3guoxing wen, c. l. philip chen, yan-jun liu, zhi liu, neural network-based adaptive leader-following consensus control for a class of nonlinear multiagent state-delay systems, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 47, issue: 8, special issue: si pages: 2151-2160, published: aug 2017.

4yan-jun liu, shu li, shaocheng tong, c. l. philip chen, neural approximation-based adaptive control for a class of nonlinear nonstrict feedback discrete-time systems, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 28,issue: 7, pages: 1531-1541, published: jul 2017.

5chen. c, liu. z, zhang. y, c. l.philip chen, xie. sl, asymptotic fuzzy tracking control for a class of stochastic strict-feedback systems, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 25, issue: 3, pages: 556-568, published: jun 2017.

6licheng liu, long chen, c. l. philip chen, yuan yan tang, chi man pun, weighted joint sparse representation for removing mixed noise in image, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 47, issue: 3, pages: 600-611, published: mar 2017.

7w. j. cao, y. c. zhou, c. l. philip chen, and l. m. xia, medical image encryption using edge maps, signal processing, volume: 132, pages: 96-109, published: mar 2017.

8lai. gy, liu. z, zhang. y, c. l. philip chen, xie, sl, asymmetric actuator backlash compensation in quantized adaptive control of uncertain networked nonlinear systems, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 28, issue: 2, pages: 294-307, published: feb 2017

9lai. gy, liu. z, zhang. y, c. l. philip chen, xie. sl, liu. yj, fuzzy adaptive inverse compensation method to tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems with generalized actuator dead zone,ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 25, issue: 1, pages: 191-204, published: feb 2017

10y. m. cheung, m. li, q. m. peng, and c. l. philip chen, a cooperative learning-based clustering approach to lip segmentation without knowing segment number, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 28, issue: 1, pages: 80-93, published: jan, 2017.

11c. l. philip chen, t. zhang, l. chen, and s. k. tam, i-ching divination evolutionary algorithm and its convergence analysis, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 47, issue: 1, pages: 2-13, published: jan 2017.

12j. w. duan, l. chen, and c. l. philip chen, multifocus image fusion using superpixel segmentation and superpixel-based mean filtering, applied optics, volume: 55, issue: 36, pages: 10352-10362, published: dec 20, 2016.

13cheng lian, zhigang zeng, w. yao, h. m. tang, and c. l. p. chen, landslide displacement prediction with uncertainty based on neural networks with random hidden weights, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 27, issue: 12, pages: 2683-2695, published: dec, 2016.

14wang, fang; liu, zhi; zhang, yunadaptive quantized fuzzy control of stochastic nonlinear systems with actuator dead-zone,information sciences, volume: 370, pages: 385-401, published: nov 20, 2016.

15ci chen, zhi liu, y. zhang, c. l. p. chen, and s. l. xie, saturated nussbaum function based approach for robotic systems with unknown actuator dynamics, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 46, issue: 10, pages: 2311-2322, published: oct, 2016.

16guanyu lai, zhi liu, c. l. philip chen, and y. zhang adaptive asymptotic tracking control of uncertain nonlinear system with input quantization, systems & control letters, volume: 96, pages: 23-29, published: oct, 2016.

17c. l. p. chen, d. c. tao, x. g. you,big learning in social media analytics, neurocomputing, volume: 204, si, pages: 1-2, sep 5, 2016.

18hanzhen xiao, zhijun lic. l. philip chen, formation control of leader-follower mobile robots' systems using model predictive control based on neural-dynamic optimization, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, volume: 63, issue: 9, pages: 5752-5762, published: sep, 2016.

19cheng lian, c. l. philip chen, zhigang zeng, w. yao, and h. m. tang, prediction intervals for landslide displacement based on switched neural networks, ieee transactions on reliability, volume: 65, issue: 3, pages: 1483-1495, published: sep, 2016.

20c. l. philip chen, chang-e ren, tao du, fuzzy observed-based adaptive consensus tracking control for second-order multiagent systems with heterogeneous nonlinear dynamics, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 24, issue: 4, pages: 906-915, published: aug, 2016.

21tong zhang, long chen, and c. l.philip chen, clustering algorithm based on spatial shadowed fuzzy c-means and i-ching operators, international journal of fuzzy systems, volume: 18, issue: 4, pages: 609-617, published: aug, 2016.

22c. l. p. chen, g.x. wen, y. j. liu, and z. liu, observer-based adaptive backstepping consensus tracking control for high-order nonlinear semi-strict-feedback multiagent systems, ieee trans. on cybernetics vol. 46, issue 7, pp. 1591-1601, july 2016.

23y. j. liu, j. li, s. c. tong, and c. l. p. chen, neural network control-based adaptive learning design for nonlinear systems with full-state constraints, ieee trans. on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 27, issue 7, pp. 1562-1571, july 2016.

24guanyu lai, zhi liu, yun zhang, and c. l. p. chen, adaptive fuzzy tracking control of nonlinear systems with asymmetric actuator backlash based on a new smooth inverse, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 46, issue: 6, pp. 1250-1262, jun, 2016.

25z. liu, f. wang, y. zhang, and c.l.p. chen, fuzzy adaptive quantized control for a class of stochastic nonlinear uncertain systems, ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 46, issue 2, special issue: si, pp. 524-534, feb 2016.

26f. wang, z. liu, y. zhang, c.l.p. chen, adaptive fuzzy control for a class of stochastic pure-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown hysteresis, ieee trans. fuzzy systems, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 140-152, feb. 2016.

27yanjun liu, shaocheng tong, c. l. philip chen, and dongjuan li, neural controller design-based adaptive control for nonlinear mimo systems with unknown hysteresis inputs, ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 46, issue 1, pp. 9-19, jan., 2016.

28yanjun liu, ying gao, shaocheng tong, and c. l. philip chen, a unified approach to adaptive neural control for nonlinear discrete-time systems with nonlinear dead-zone input, ieee trans. on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 139-150, jan., 2016.

29zhi liu, guanyu lai, yun zhang, and c. l. philip chen, adaptive fuzzy tracking control of nonlinear time-delay systems with dead-zone output mechanism based on a novel smooth model, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 23, issue: 6, pages: 1998-2011, dec 2015.

30c. l. philip chen, chun-yang zhang, long chen, and min gan, fuzzy restricted boltzmann machine for the enhancement of deep learning, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 23, issue: 6, pages: 2163-2173, dec 2015.

31y. y. tang, yulong wang, luoqing li, and c. l. philip chen, structural atomic representation for classification, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume: 45, issue: 12, pages: 2905-2913, dec 2015.

32xinge you, weihua ou, c. l. philip chen, qiang li, ziqi zhu, and y. y. tang, robust nonegative patch alignment for dimensionality reduction, ieee trans on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 26, issue 11, pp. 2760-2771, nov, 2015.

33jialu du, xin hu, hongbo liu, and c. l. philip chen, adaptive robust output feedback control for a marine dynamic positioning system based on a high-gain observer, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 26, issue: 11, pages: 2775-2786, nov 2015.

34c. l. philip chen, licheng liu, long chen, y. y. tang, and yicong zhou, weighted couple sparse representation with classified regularization for impulse noise removal, ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4014-4026, nov. 2015.

35xiaojie su, ligang wu, peng shi, and c. l. philip chen, model approximation for fuzzy switched systems with stochastic perturbation, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 23, issue: 5, pages: 1458-1473, oct 2015.

36chun-yang zhang, c. l. philip chen, min gan, and l. chen, predictive deep boltzmann machine for multiperiod wind speed forecasting, ieee transactions on sustainable energy, volume: 6 issue: 4, pages: 1416-1425, oct 2015

37c. l. philip chen, licheng liu, long chen, y. y. tang, and yicong zhou, weighted couple sparse representation with classified regularization for impulse noise removal, ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4014-4026, nov. 2015.

38yicong zhou, zy hua, cm pun, and c. l.  philip chen, cascade chaotic system with applications, ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 25, issue 9, pp. 2001-2012, sept 2015.

39guo-xing wen, c. l. philip chen, yan-jun liu, and zhi liu, neural-network-based adaptive leader-following consensus control for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems, iet control theory and applications, vol. 9, no. 13, pp. 1927-1934, aug, 2015.

40yan-jun liu, li tang, shaocheng tong, and c. l. philip chen, adaptive nn controller design for a class of nonlinear mimo discrete-time systems, ieee trans on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 26, issue 5, pp. 1007-1018, may,  2015.

41zhongyun hua, yicong zhou, chi-man pun, c. l. philip chen, 2d sine logistic modulation map for image encryption, information sciences, vol. 297, pp. 80-94, march 10, 2015

42z. liu, ci chen, yun zhang, and c. l. philip chen, adaptive neural control for dual-arm coordination of humanoid robot with unknown nonlinearities in output mechanism, ieee trans. on cybernetics, vol. 45, issue 3, pp. 521-532, march 2015.

43y. zhou, j. peng, and c. l. philip chen, dimension reduction using spatial and spectral regularized local discriminant embedding for hyperspectral image classification, ieee trans. on geoscience and remote sensing, doi: 10.1109/tgrs.2014.2333539, vol. 53, issue 2, pp. 1082-1095, feb, 2015.

44yan-jun liu, li tang, shaocheng tong, and c. l. philip chen, reinforcement learning design-based adaptive tracking control with less learning parameters for nonlinear discrete-time mimo systems, ieee trans on neural networks and learning systems, vol. 26, issue 1, pp. 165-176, jan, 2015.

personal information

c. l. philip chen, visiting chair professor

tel. :  0411-84723627

e-mail :  philipchen@dlmu.edu.cn

major :  transportation information engineering and control



curriculum vitae


doctor degree, purdue university, u.s., 1985-1988

master degreeuniversity of michigan, ann arbor, u.s., 1983-1985


academic employment

2016-now, visiting chair professor, navigation college, dalian maritime university (dalian, china)

2019-now, deanschool of computer science and engineering, south china university of technology (guangzhou, china)

2010-now chair professor, faculty of science and technology, university of macau (macau, china)

2005-2009 vice dean, department of electrical and computational engineering, university of texas, san antonio (texas, u.s.)

2002-2010 professor, department of electrical and computational engineering, university of texas, san antonio (texas, u.s.)

1989-2002 professor (1999), associate professor (1995), assistant professor, department of computer science and engineering, wright state university (ohio, u.s.)

1988-1989 visiting assistant professor, purdue university (indiana, usa)





professional affiliations

2020-now, chief editor of ieee transactions on cybernetics (if:  10.387)

2014-2019, chief editor of ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics:  systems (if:  7.351).

2012-2013, president of ieee systems, man, and cybernetics society and senior/junior past president of the society from 2014 to 2017.

2012-now, executive director of chinese association of automation (ninth council) and vice president of chinese association of automation (tenth council, 2017).

2009, ieee int 'l conference on systems, man, and cybernetics, general chair; also served as general co-chairs from 2016 to 2017;

associate editor of ieee transactions on fuzzy systems (if:  7.671);

associate editor of ieee transactions on cybernetics (if:  8.803)



2019.12 first prize of guangdong science and technology progress award (key technology and application of cross domain and multi-dimensional electronic purse seine).

2019.12 second prize of liaoning natural science award (intelligent control theory of complex systems and cooperative application of marine vehicles)

2016.7 macao natural science award (computational intelligence system for modeling, decision support in tracking control and urban traffic assistance) natural science.

2014.7 macao natural science award (feature analysis and multimedia security technology) macao natural science.


research direction:

computational intelligent systems

computer networking, location and information security

data mining and knowledge discovery

information and video indexing, retrieval, security, and communications

systems, cybernetics, and robotics



published article

papers published in the last five years

1huang haohui, yang chenguang, chen c. l. philip, optimal robot-environment interaction under broad fuzzy neural adaptive control, ieee transactions on cybernetics,volume: 51,issue: 7,pages: 3824-3835,published: jul 2021.


2wang jying-nan, hsu yuan-teng, lee joe-ming, measuring systemic risk:  capital shortfall and csrisk, international review of finance, volume: 21,issue: 1,pages: 358-369,published: mar 2021.


3hu bin, guan zhi-hong, lewis frank l.and chen c. l. philip, adaptive tracking control of cooperative robot manipulators with markovian switched couplings, ieee transactions on industrial electronics,volume: 68,issue: 3,pages: 2427-2436,published: mar 2021.


4zhang chunliang, chen zicong, wang jianhui and chen c. l. philip, fuzzy adaptive two-bit-triggered control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with actuator failures and dead-zone constraint, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume:  51, issue:  1, pages:  210-221, published:  jan 2021.


5liu yan-jun, zeng qiang, tong shaocheng, and chen c. l. philip, actuator failure compensation-based adaptive control of active suspension systems with prescribed performance, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, volume: 67,issue: 8,pages: 7044-7053,published: aug 2020.


6wang lijie, chen c. l. philip, li hongyi, event-triggered adaptive control of saturated nonlinear systems with time-varying partial state constraints, ieee transactions on cybernetics,volume: 50,issue: 4,pages: 1485-1497,published: apr 2020.


7peng guangzhu, yang chenguang, he wei and chen c. l. philip, force sensorless admittance control with neural learning for robots with actuator saturation, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, volume: 67,issue: 4,pages: 3138-3148,published: apr 2020.


8liu lei, liu yan-jun, chen aiqing and chen c. l. philip, integral barrier lyapunov function-based adaptive control for switched nonlinear systems, science china-information sciences, volume: 63,issue: 3,special issue:  si, published:  feb 2020.


9feng shuang, chen c. l. philip, fuzzy broad learning system:  a novel neuro-fuzzy model for regression and classification, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume:  50,issue:  2,pages: 414-424, published:  feb 2020.


10liu yan-jun, zeng qiang, tong shaocheng and chen c. l. philip, adaptive neural network control for active suspension systems with time-varying vertical displacement and speed constraints,  ieee transactions on industrial electronics, volume: 66,issue: 12,pages: 9458-9466, published:  dec 2019.


11li dapeng, chen c. l. philip, liu yan-jun, neural network controller design for a class of nonlinear delayed systems with time-varying full-state constraints, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 30,issue: 9,pages: 2625-2636, published:  sep 2019.


12sui shuai, chen c. l. philip, tong shaocheng, neural network filtering control design for nontriangular structure switched nonlinear systems in finite time, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume: 30,issue: 7,pages: 2153-2162, published:  jul 2019.


13li da-peng, liu yan-jun, tong shaocheng and chen c. l. philip, neural networks-based adaptive control for nonlinear state constrained systems with input delay, ieee transactions on cybernetics,volume: 49,issue: 4,pages: 1249-1258, published:  apr 2019.


14chen guang-yong, gan min, chen c. l. philip, a regularized variable projection algorithm for separable nonlinear least-squares problems, ieee transactions on automatic control,volume: 64,issue: 2,pages: 526-537, published:  feb 2019.


15sui shuai, chen c. l. philip, tong shaocheng, fuzzy adaptive finite-time control design for nontriangular stochastic nonlinear systems, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume: 27,issue: 1,pages: 172-184, published:  jan 2019.


16sui shuai, tong shaocheng, chen c.l.philip, finite-time filter decentralized control for nonstrict-feedback nonlinear large-scale systems, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume:  26, issue:  6, pages:  3289-3300, published:  dec 2018.


17zhang tong, chen c.l.philip, chen long, design of highly nonlinear substitution boxes based on i-ching operators, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume:  48, issue:  12, special issue:  si, pages:  3349-3358, published:  dec 2018.


18gan min, chen c.l.philip, chen guang-yong, on some separated algorithms for separable nonlinear least squares problems, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume:  48, issue:  10, pages:  2866-2874, published:  oct 2018.


19liu yan-jun, gong mingzhe, tong shaocheng, chen c.l.philip, adaptive fuzzy output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems with full state constraints, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, volume:  26, issue:  5, pages:  2607-2617, published:  otc 2018.


20chen c.l.philip, liu zhulin, broad learning system: an effective and efficient incremental learning system without the need for deep architecture, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, volume:  29, issue:  1, pages:  10-24, published:  jan 2018.


21liu yan-jun, lu shumin, tong shaocheng, chen c.l.philip, adaptive control-based barrier lyapunov functions for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with full state constraints, automatica, volume:  87, pages:  83-93, published:  jan 2018.


22guoxing wen, c. l. philip chen, yan-jun liu, zhi liu, neural network-based adaptive leader-following consensus control for a class of nonlinear multiagent state-delay systems, ieee transactions on cybernetics, volume:  47, issue:  8, special issue:  si pages:  2151-2160, published:  aug 2017.


23chen ci, wen changyun, liu zhi, adaptive consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with non-identical partially unknown control directions and bounded modelling errors, ieee transactions on automatic control , volume:  62, issue:  9, special issue:  si pages:  4654-4659, published:  sep 2017.


24he wei, li zhijun, chen c l philip, a survey of human-centered intelligent robots:  issues and challengesieee-caa journal of automatic sinica, volume:  4, issue:  4, pages:  602-609, published:  oct 2017.








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