姓 名:张显库
职 称:教授(二级)
性 别:男
email: zhangxk@dlmu.edu.cn
中国智能交通协会专委会委员,辽宁省“交通运输工程学科”研究生创新与学术交流中心主任。任《大连海事大学学报》、《中国舰船研究》、《交通安全与环境》(英文版)、《journal of fuzzy logic and modeling in engineering》、《武汉理工大学学报》、《重庆理工大学学报》、《应用科技》编委。
论文:近10年代表性期刊论文(第一作者或者通讯作者,总400余篇,其中sci 138篇,h指数33):
[1] xianku zhang(通信作者). concise adaptive neural control of uncertain nonlinear systems with periodically nonlinear time-varying parameterized disturbances[j]. journal of process control, 2014, 24(4): 410-423.
[2] xianku zhang(通信作者). stability analysis and design of integrating unstable delay processes using the mirror-mapping technique[j]. j. of process control,2014,24(7): 1038-1045.
[3] 张显库,王立军.基于闭环增益成形的船舶舵机间隙非线性抑制算法[j]. 中国造船, 2013,54(4):94-99.
[4] 张显库,张国庆.船舶港内掉头操纵的简洁鲁棒控制[j]. 中国航海, 2014,37(2):31-34.
[5] xianku zhang(通信作者). concise robust adaptive path-following control of underactuated ships using dsc and mlp[j]. ieee journal on oceanic engineering. 2014, 39(4):685-694.
[6] 张显库,陈秀嘉,陆禹,尹勇.航海模拟器目标船数学模型[j].中国造船,2014,55(3):125-130.
[7] 张显库,张国庆,陈秀嘉.一种非线性反馈反步递推算法的线性弱化[j]. 控制与决策,2015,30(9):1641-1645.
[8] zhang xianku(通信作者). a novel dvs guidance principle and robust adaptive path-following control for underactuated ships using low-frequency gain learning[j]. isa transactions,2015, 56(5):75-85.
[9] zhang xianku(通信作者). multi-innovation auto-constructed least squares identification for 4 dof ship manoeuvring modeling with full-scale trial data[j]. isa transactions, 2015,58(9):186-195.
[10] zhang xian-ku(通信作者). adaptive neural path-following control for underactuated ships in fields of marine practice[j]. ocean engineering, 2015, 104(6):558-567.
[11] zhang xianku(通信作者). robustness analysis and synthesis for high order unstable processes with time delay using mirror mapping technique[j]. isa transactions, 2015,59(11):10-19.
[12] zhang xianku, zhang guoqing. design of ship course-keeping autopilot using a sine function based nonlinear feedback technique [j]. journal of navigation, 2016,69(2):246-256.
[13] zhang xian-ku, zhang guo-qing, chen xiu-jia. a novel nonlinear feedback control and its application to course-keeping autopilot[j]. journal of marine science and technology, 2016,24(2):192-198.
[14] zhang xianku(通信作者). concise adaptive fuzzy control of nonlinearly parameterized and periodically time-varying systems via small gain theory[j].international journal of control,automation, and systems, 2016, 14(4):1-13.
[15] 张显库.基于非线性反馈的水翼艇纵向运动多变量鲁棒控制[j].中国航海, 2016,39(1):60-64.
[16] zhang xianku, zhang guoqing. determining robust parameters in stabilizing set of backstepping based nonlinear controller for ships’ course keeping [j]. transactions of the royal institution of naval architects part a: international journal of maritime engineering, 2016, 158(4):269-273.
[17] zhang xianku(通信作者). practical robust neural path following control for underactuated marine vessels with actuators uncertainties[j]. asian journal of control, 2017,19(1):173-187.
[18] xian-ku zhang(通信作者).ship nonlinear-feedback course keeping algorithm based on mmg model driven by bipolar sigmoid function for berthing[j].international journal of naval architecture and ocean engineering, 2017, 9(5): 525-536.
[19] zhang xianku,yang guangping,zhang qiang, zhang guoqing*, zhang yuqi. improved concise backstepping control of course-keeping for ships using nonlinear feedback technique[j]. journal of navigation, 2017,70(6): 1401-1414.
[20] 张显库(通信作者).考虑伺服系统增益不确定的船舶动力定位自适应有限时间控制[j].自动化学报,2018, 44(10): 1907-1912.
[21] zhang xianku, zhang qiang, ren hongxiang.linear reduction of backstepping algorithm based on nonlinear decoration for ship course-keeping control system[j]. ocean engineering, 2018,147(1):1-8.
[22] zhang xianku(通信作者). robust control for lng carrier cargo handling system via mirror-mapping approach[j]. complexity, 2018.
[23] xianku zhang(通信作者). optimized robust control for industrial unstable process via the mirror-mapping method, isa transactions, 2019,86(3):9-17.
[24] xianku zhang(通信作者). anfis-based course-keeping control for ships using nonlinear feedback technique[j]. journal of marine science and technology,2019.
[25] xianku zhang(通信作者). fuzzy logic based speed optimization and path following control for sail-assisted ships[j]. ocean engineering, 2019,171(1):300-310.
[26] zhang xianku(通信作者). pressure control of insulation space for liquefied natural gas carrier with nonlinear feedback technique[j]. journal of marine science and engineering, 2018.
[27] xianku zhang(通信作者). improved decentralized finite-time formation control of underactuated usvs via a novel disturbance observer[j]. ocean engineering, 2019,174(2):117-124
[28] xianku zhang(通信作者). controller design for mimo system with time delay using closed-loop gain shaping algorithm[j]. international journal of control, automation and systems,2019: 17(6):1454-1461.
[29] xianku zhang(通信作者). los based guidance for sailboats and adaptive neural path following control [j]. ieee journal of oceanic engineering, 2019.
[30] xianku zhang(通信作者). event-triggered robust fuzzy path following control for underactuated ships with input saturation [j]. ocean engineering, 2019.
[31] zhang xianku(通信作者). a kind of energy-efficient nonlinear robust track keeping control algorithm for the maritime silk road[j]. journal of marine engineering & technology, 2019.
[32] 张显库,韩旭. 船舶运输安全保障下的智能船舶运动控制策略探索[j].中国舰船研究,2019.
[33] xianku zhang(通信作者). parallel guidance and event-triggered robust fuzzy control for path following of autonomous wing-sailed catamaran [j]. ocean engineering, 2019.
[34] xianku zhang, xu han, wei guan, guoqing zhang. improvement of integrator backstepping control for ships with concise robust control and nonlinear decoration [j]. ocean engineering, 2019.
[35] xianku zhang(通信作者). nonlinear control algorithms for efficiency-improved course keeping of large tankers under heavy sea state conditions [j]. ocean engineering, 2019.
[36] xianku zhang(通信作者). event-triggered robust fuzzy path following control for underactuated ships with input saturation [j]. ocean engineering, 2019,186:106-122.
[37] xianku zhang(通信作者). controller design for mimo system with time delay using closed-loop gain shaping algorithm[j]. international journal of control, automation and systems,2019: 17(6):1454-1461.
[38] xianku zhang(通信作者). improved decentralized finite-time formation control of underactuated usvs via a novel disturbance observer[j]. ocean engineering, 2019,174(2):117-124
[39] xianku zhang(通信作者). pressure control of insulation space for liquefied natural gas carrier with nonlinear feedback technique[j]. journal of marine science and engineering, 2018,6(4).
[40] xianku zhang(通信作者). an energy-efficient nonlinear robust track keeping control algorithm for the maritime silk road[j]. journal of marine engineering & technology, 2020,19(3):136-146.
[41] xianku zhang(通信作者). los based guidance for sailboats and adaptive neural path following control [j]. ieee journal of oceanic engineering, 2020,45(4):1177-1189.
[42] xianku zhang(通信作者). improved integral los guidance and path-following control for unmanned sailboat robot via the robust neural damping technique [j]. journal of navigation, 2019,72(6):1378-1398.
[43] yingjie deng, xianku zhang. model-based event-triggered tracking control of underactuated surface vessels with minimum learning parameters [j]. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2020,31(10):4001-4014.
[44] xianku zhang(通信作者). adaptive fuzzy tracking control for underactuated surface vessels with unmodeled dynamics and input saturation [j]. isa transactions, 2020,103:52-56.
[45] xianku zhang(通信作者). event-triggered composite adaptive fuzzy control of sailboat with heeling constraint [j]. ocean engineering, 2020, 211(9):107627.
[46] xianku zhang(通信作者). concise and economical control implemented on ship fin stabilizer system based on nonlinear feedback algorithm [j]. journal of marine science and technology (japan), 2020.
[47] xianku zhang(通信作者). course-keeping control for ships with nonlinear feedback and zero order holder [j]. ocean engineering, 2020, 209(8):107461.
[48] xianku zhang(通信作者). route planning and track keeping control for ships based on the lvaco and nonlinear feedback algorithm [j]. applied ocean research, 2020, 101(8):102239.
[49] xianku zhang(通信作者). compound learning tracking control of a switched fully-submerged hydrofoil craft [j]. ocean engineering, 2020.
[50] 张显库. 大型油轮操纵过程中艏摇混沌现象仿真与滑模控制[j].上海交通大学学报,2020.
[51] xianku zhang(通信作者). event-triggered composite adaptive fuzzy output feedback control for path following of autonomous surface vessels [j]. ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 2020.
[52] xianku zhang(通信作者). adaptive neural finite-time formation control for multiple underactuated vessels with actuator faults [j]. ocean engineering, 2020.
[53] xianku zhang(通信作者). model-based event-triggered neural tracking control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems in sensor-to-controller channel [j]. isa transactions, 2020.
[54] 张显库, 祝慧颖. 基于正弦函数非线性新息处理的船舶模型参数辨识新算法 [j].中国舰船研究,2021.
[55] xianku zhang(通信作者). concise robust fuzzy nonlinear feedback track keeping control for ships using multi-technique improved los guidance [j]. ocean engineering, 2021.
[56] baigang zhao, xianku zhang*. an improved nonlinear innovation-based parameter identification algorithm for ship models [j]. journal of navigation, 2021.
[57] song chunyu, xianku zhang. nonlinear innovation identification for 4 dof ship maneuvering modeling via full-scale trial data [j]. ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 2021.
[58] baigang zhao, xianku zhang*. a novel path-following control algorithm for surface vessels based on global course constraint and nonlinear feedback technology. applied ocean research, 2021.
[59] guoshuai li; xianku zhang.research on the influence of wind, waves, and tidal current on ship turning ability based on norrbin model [j]. ocean engineering, 2022, 259:111875. doi10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111875.
[60] yingjie deng, xiankuzhang. adaptive neural network asymptotic path-following control of underactuated ships with stochastic sea loads [j]. ocean engineering, 2022,266(5).
[61] xianku zhang, baigang zhao, guoqing zhang*. improved parameter identification algorithm for ship model based on nonlinear innovation decorated by sigmoid function [j]. transportation safety and environment, 2021,3(2):114-122.
[62] song chunyu, xianku zhang. research on williamson turn for ultra large ships [j]. naval engineers journal, 2021,133(4):157-162.
[63] gao shihang, zhang xianku. course keeping control strategy for large oil tankers based on swish function nonlinear feedback [j]. ocean engineering, 2021.
[64] biao li, xianku zhang. research on the anti-roll characteristic of marine gyrostabilizer based on adaptive control and hydrodynamic simulation [j]. journal of marine science and engineering, 2021.
[65] xu han, xianku zhang. tracking control of ship at sea based on mpc with virtual ship bunch under frenet frame [j]. ocean engineering, 2022.
[66] hugan zhang; xianku zhang; tian cao; renxiang bu. active disturbance rejection control for ship path following with euler method [j]. ocean engineering, 2022,247:110516.
[67] baigang zhao, xianku zhang*. a novel parameter identification algorithm for 3-dof ship maneuvering modelling using nonlinear multi-innovation [j]. j. mar. sci. eng. 2022, 10(5):581; https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse 1005058.
[68] hugan zhang,xianku zhang*,renxiang bu. sliding mode adaptive control for ship path following with sideslip angle observer [j]. ocean engineering, 2022,251:111106.
[69] chenfeng huang, xianku zhang, guoqing zhang. distributed fault-tolerant parallel formation control of underactuated marine surface vehicles with limited control input [j]. asian journal of control, 2022.
[70] song chunyu, zhang xianku, zhang guoqing. nonlinear innovation based maneuverability prediction for marine vehicle using the improved forgetting mechanism [j]. j. mar. sci. eng. 2022.
[71] song chunyu *, zhang xianku, zhang guoqing. attitude prediction of ship coupled heave–pitch motions using nonlinear innovation via full-scale test data [j]. ocean engineering, 2022.
[72] tian cao, xianku zhang. nonlinear decoration control based on perturbation of ship longitudinal motion model [j]. applied ocean research, 2022.
[73] guoshuai li, xianku zhang.green energy-saving robust control for ship course-keeping system based on nonlinear switching feedback [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[74] yao meng, xianku zhang, xiufeng zhang. identification modeling of ship nonlinear motion based on nonlinear innovation [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[75] yao meng, xianku zhang, xiufeng zhang. weighted multi-kernel relevance vector machine for 3dof ship manoeuvring modeling with full-scale trial data [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[76] haochen hong, xianku zhang*, zhongwen huang. course keeping control for very large ships using hyperbolic tangent function based on nonlinear decoration technique [j]. journal of marine engineering & technology, 2023.
[77] guoshuai li, xianku zhang, wenjun zhang, zhenhuan zhang. z-shaped navigation for surface ships in rough seas based on constraint mpc[j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[78] hugan zhang, xianku zhang. global fast terminal sliding mode control for path following of ultra large underactuated ship based on predictive los guidance [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[79] qiang guo, xianku zhang *, xu han. robust adaptive event-triggered path following control for autonomous surface vehicles in shallow waters [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[80] yao meng, xianku zhang, xiufeng zhang, yating duan. maneuverability indices estimation of nonlinear response model based on full-scale trial data and square root unscented kalman filter [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[81] fan jiaming, xianku zhang, tian cao, daocheng ma. ship longitudinal stabilization control based on cgsa and nonlinear switch modification [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[82] qiang guo, xianku zhang, yao meng, daocehng ma. fixed-time adaptive path-following control of autonomous surface vehicles with asymmetric output performance and feasibility constraints [j]. ocean engineering, 2023.
[1] 张显库,金一丞. 控制系统建模与数字仿真(第2版)[m].大连:大连海事大学出版社.2013. 2020年获省优秀教材奖。
[2] 张显库. 船舶运动简捷鲁棒控制[m].北京:科学出版社,2012.
[3] 张显库,张国庆. 非线性反馈理论及其在船舶运动控制中的应用[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2020.
[4] 张显库. 船舶控制系统[m].大连: 大连海事大学出版社, 2010.
[5] 张显库. 载运工具的控制[m]. 大连: 大连海事大学出版社, 2009.
[6] 贾欣乐, 张显库. 船舶运动智能控制与h¥鲁棒控制[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2002.
[7] 张国庆,张显库. 船舶运动数学模型与matlab仿真[m].徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2020.
[8] 张国庆,张显库. 基于镜像映射的不稳定系统鲁棒控制方法[m].北京:科学出版社,2021.
[9] 张显库. vb实用编程技术-从基础到开发[m]. 大连:大连理工大学出版社, 1997.
[10] 张显库, 张均东. visual basic程序设计[m]. 大连:大连理工大学出版社, 1999.
[11] 张显库. visual basic工程应用实例[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2002.
[12] 张显库, 贾欣乐. 船舶运动控制[m]. 北京:国防工业出版社, 2006.
[13] 张显库.多媒体应用技术[m]. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2006.
[14] 张显库,张国庆. 学术规范与论文写作[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2017.
[15] 张显库,任俊生,张秀凤.船舶运动建模与控制(第2版)[m].大连:大连海事大学出版社,2021.立体化教材
[16] 张显库, 金一丞. 控制系统建模与数字仿真[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2004.
[17] 张显库,任俊生,张秀凤.船舶运动建模与控制[m].大连:大连海事大学出版社,2014.
[18] 唐浩云,张显库. 船舶波浪载荷与结构强度[m]. 大连海事大学出版社, 2021.
[19] 张显库,张国庆. 船舶智能航行控制系统[m].大连: 大连海事大学出版社, 2022.
[20] 张国庆,张显库. 船舶智能航行制导与控制[m].北京:科学出版社,2022.
[21] 张显库,金一丞. 控制系统建模与数字仿真(第3版)[m].大连:大连海事大学出版社.2022.
[22] 张显库,赵健,张国庆. 学术规范与论文写作(英文版)[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2022.
[23] 张显库,张国庆. 学术规范与论文写作(第2版)[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2023.
[24] 唐浩云,张显库. 船舶运动与载荷试验测试技术[m]. 大连:大连海事大学出版社, 2023.
1. 一种面向恶劣海况船舶安全保障能力提升的船舶控制方法,zl201810503811.1 (排名1),2020年12月授权
2. 一种路径跟踪避障制导方法,zl201710374707.2 (排名2)
3. 一种基于动态虚拟小船制导算法的欠驱动船舶路径规划方法,zl201410268176.5 (排名2)
4. 一种复合频率的结构振动脉冲模拟装置,zl202011588015.6 (排名2),已转化应用
5. 一种用于船舶制造t型钢的除锈装置,zl 202011281470.1 (排名2),已转化应用
6. 一种无人船路径规划方法及系统,zl202110767038.1 (排名3)
7. 一种基于改进梯度下降法的神经网络船舶整体模型逼近方法,zl202110819580.7(排名1),2024年3月授权
8. 一种考虑未知死区的复合自适应容错控制器设计方法,zl202110182000.8(排名6),2024年授权,已经转化应用
9. 基于3d映射制导的usv-uav协同路径跟踪自适应控制器设计方法,zl202110797422.6(排名8),2024年授权,已经转化应用
10. 一种采用冗余通信的分布式自适应船舶航迹保持系统,zl202110178922.1(排名3),2024年授权,已经转化应用
11. 基于事件触发的船舶动力定位方法,zl202010162835.2(排名6),2023年授权,已经转化应用
12. 基于触发制导和自更新阈值的asv预设性能控制方法,zl202310287839.7(排名9),2024年授权,已经转化应用
13. 面向海事平行搜寻的无人机-船协同鲁棒自适应控制方法,zl202310067964.7(排名8),2024年授权,已经转化应用
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