title: manifold learning and the climate system
time: 2024/09/18 9:00am (beijing time)
meeting id: 885 843 491 ( password: 202422)
abstract: spatiotemporal recurrences of the system hint to the presence of a low-dimensional manifold containing the high-dimensional climate trajectory. in this talk we argue that reproducing the geometrical and topological properties of the low-dimensional attractor should be a key target for climate projections. in doing so, we propose a general data-driven framework to characterize the climate attractor and showcase it in the equatorial pacific ocean, over asia and in the north atlantic using three reanalyses as observational proxy and a state-of-the-art model.
annalia bracco is a professor and associate chair for research at georgia tech with an extensive background in computational fluid dynamics, physical oceanography and climate dynamics. she received her phd in 2000 from the university of genoa in italy and has been a professor at georgia tech since 2006. in 2011, she received the american meteorological society’s nicholas p. fofonoff award for her contributions to understanding the coupling of ocean dynamics with marine ecosystems. her research interests include using models and observations to study ocean transport, climate dynamics and carbon cycling in the climate system.
联系人: 张晓琳, (19104337597)