报告主题: ocean circulation and global environment
报告时间: 2024年3月26日9:00am-10:am
会议地点: 大连海事大学航海楼321会议室
腾讯会议: 488433493 (密码:202422)
报告摘要: ocean circulation includes wind-driven circulation and thermohaline circulation, which are sustained by external mechanical energy from wind stress and tidal dissipation. wind-driven circulation dominates the circulation in the upper ocean, including the strong western boundary current such as the kuroshio and gulf stream. thermohaline circulation occupies the whole depth of water. thermohaline circulation is the major driver for the meridional transport of heat and freshwater. this talk will highlight the course of the ocean circulation, its variability, and the consequences.
due to the man-made carbon dioxide global temperature is increased. therefore, the global circulation changes in response. this change manifests as follows: the equator-pole temperature difference declines, the frequence of anomalous cold/hot anomaly both in the atmosphere and ocean increased. the arctic ocean may become ice free in summer. this will induce grand impacts on the global environment.
报告人简介: rui xin huang, scientist emeritus, woods hole oceanographic institution
w. van alan clark, jr., chair for excellence in oceanography, woods hole oceanographic institution, 2002-2006;
the university of science and technology of china, 1960-65; b.s. in thermo-physical fluid dynamics, 1965.
graduate school, university of science and technology of china, meteorology, 1978-80.
the johns hopkins university, geophysical fluid dynamics, sep. 1980-feb. 1981.
mit/woods hole joint program, 1981-1984; ph.d. in physical oceanography 1984.
research interest:
theoretical and numerical studies of the wind-driven and thermohaline circulation in the oceans, dynamics of western boundary currents, flow over topography, climate dynamics.
author or co-author of 130 refereed scientific publications.
r. x. huang, 2020: heaving, stretching and spicing -- climate variability in the ocean, springer and higher education press of china, 391pp.
联系人:张晓琳, (19104337597)