maritime big data and artificial intelligence application research center-ag真人平台

 maritime big data and artificial intelligence application research center-ag真人平台
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maritime big data and artificial intelligence application research center
作者: 点击数: 时间:2019-10-07

recently, "maritime big data and artificial intelligence application research center (mbdaiarc)" is established at dalian maritime university (dmu). mbdaiarc is concentrated on outstanding research team and integrated of prior research resource in dmu. the goal of mbdaiarc is to accelerate the development of the general artificial intelligence system for maritime transportation, and also provide technical support and decision support for the transformation of the marine transportation industry.

mbdaiarc is a first-tier research institution of dmu, and collaborates with relevant colleges, departments and teams. since mbdaiarc is a non-administrative level research institution, dmu designates professor chun-lung (c.l.) philip chen as the honorary director of center, and professor tieshan li as the director of center.

mbdaiarc is organized by two laboratories: one is for the intelligent ship autonomous control (isac) and the other is for maritime big data application research (mbdar). the isac laboratory mainly focus on the research of intelligent control theory for ships, key technologies for autonomous navigation, intelligent control and optimization theory for complex systems, intelligent communication network and collaborative technology for integrated sea-land-sky unmanned system. the mbdar laboratory mainly focus on the research of novel green energy assessment and optimization methods, integration of multi-source heterogeneous navigation big data, dynamic safety monitoring of ship navigation, in-ship intelligence of decision-making support, and new human-machine hybrid intelligence interface for behavioral understanding.

ag真人平台 copyright:大连海事大学航海学院 (2014) navigation college of dalian maritime university
地址:大连市凌海路1号 邮编:116026
